Moving forward - treatment plan

Melissa and I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have reached out to us over the past few weeks to offer your support, sympathy, and prayers for our family. We have truly been overwhelmed by the number of people who have loved us so well in so many tangible and intangible ways including encouraging cards, text messages, child care, care packages, meals, phone calls, and so many supportive messages via email and Facebook. It is truly humbling to have so many friends, family, students, former students, and colleagues who care so much for us.
Special thanks to my former students and Purdue colleagues who set up GoFundMe campaigns to assist with the extra costs associated with cancer treatment. We have been absolutely blown away by the generosity of so many. We really are so very grateful.
Thank you all.
First, a bit of information from last week. I was able to complete a head and neck CT scan to visualize the tumor in my left sinus cavity, as well as meet with a head and neck specialist, who visualized the tumor with a nasal scope. His opinion is that the nasal tumor is a benign schwannoma which has likely been growing there for quite some time. I will have an MRI in the coming weeks to help confirm this preliminary opinion. If true, this is good news, as it means the stomach cancer hasn't somehow metastasized to my head.
On Thursday, I was also able to have a second endoscopy and biopsy of the primary stomach tumor.
Today, Melissa and I drove back down to MD Anderson to meet with my medical oncologist. Although the lab results from the tumor biopsy had not been completed yet, we discussed beginning chemotherapy as soon as possible. She has recommended a FOX-48 regimen (Oxaliplatin and 5-Fluorouracil) to treat the gastric cancer. As soon as the testing on the tumor biopsy comes back, if I am HER2 positive (8-13% chance), a third drug can be added to the regimen that will specifically target this type of tumor. I will also find out whether or not my particular cancer can be targeted with immunotherapy drugs in addition to the chemotherapy.
If all goes well, I will have a mediport placed late this week that will allow delivery of the chemotherapy drugs directly into my aorta. Once that is complete, I hope to begin chemo treatments early next week. My particular regimen occurs in 14 day cycles, with a 2-hour IV infusion of Oxaliplatin on day 1, and a 48 hour continuous infusion of 5-Fluorouracil on day 1.
Melissa has been so loving and supportive through all of this. We are, in many ways, mourning the loss of a future together that is filled with so many plans and dreams. And even as our future is so uncertain, we are cherishing every day that we have together all the more. It makes James 4:14 all the more poignant:
You do not know about tomorrow. What is your life like? For you are a puff of smoke that appears for a short time and then vanishes.
Even as we do not know about tomorrow, we know the One who knows all our tomorrows, and place our trust in Him.
Thank you to all of you who continue in prayer for me and my family. Here are the specific things you can remember:
- That my particular cancer would have a profile (HER2 positive) that would allow targeted chemotherapy drugs.
- That the mediport placement and insurance approval for chemotherapy drugs would go smoothly so that treatment can begin quickly.
- For unusual efficacy of the chemotherapy regimen against my particular cancer.
- For rest, peace, and comfort during this tumultuous season in our lives.
Thank you again for your support and care for us. We love you all.
Reader Comments (8)
Love you.
We are praying for you both, your kids, your parents, your families, the tests to be the ones the chemo will work on & for the Dr's to have wisdom on the right treatment. Please know how much you a are loves & prayed for.
I love James (Bible). He teaches about perserversnce. And you, Rob, and your family, are showing this so deeply right now. Fighting the cancer yet also putting it God's hands. Ypu have always embodied this and I have learned from you. I
I continue to pray for you constantly. It is hard sometimes to know what to say about a situation like this so thank you for the specific prayer list. Sometimes I want to rage at God about this, but I am printing your list to remind me of not only how to pray but of the right "Rob" and James attitude. God bless you all!
You all continue in our prayers. There is a large prayer group in ohio for you. Your strength and faith during this trying time are so inspiring. Our God is an awesome God and he us in control. Love you.😉
Good morning Rob. Thank you for the updated information. This makes me realize how trivial things take up much of my energy and time. I am very humbled by your faith, and your response to this drastic turn of events in your life. I will pray for your specific needs, and for strength for you and Melissa as you continue in this journey.
Dear Rob, Four years ago today my dad had surgery for stage 4 bladder cancer that had metastasized into his pancreas. He was given a prognosis of weeks, maybe months, to live. He beat those odds and is miraculously cancer free today. The truth is, it IS possible to make a full recovery no matter what the prognosis! Keep your faith and a cheerful spirit. I'm thinking of you and sending healing thoughts your way. Visualizing your full and speedy recovery! -Jenn
Robert, you may not remember your school nurse from Vista Middle School but I do remember you. We are all thinking about you here from the FHS counseling office and following your blog. Your spirit is amazing and knowing some of your family that is not a surprise. We will be following your journey from here and hoping it continues to one of strength, love and support. I always loved the story of Ruth.
Hi, I attend a life group with your Uncle and Grandmother in Washington State. I am praying for you and your family. Our group prays for all of you as well. Thank you for sharing the importance of doing each day what you can to know God and love your family and others. As I deal with a chronic illness that takes me down a lot, you have encouraged me in the remembrance that love can be expressed in small ways just as well; and our love counts. Again, may God be with you and your family each step of the way. Bonnie