Second opinion from MD Anderson

Today I met with a medical oncologist from MD Anderson who reviewed my records, the PET scan report and images, and discussed my prognosis.
Due to the advanced spread of the stomach cancer beyond the local lymph nodes, I am not a candidate for surgical resection of the gastric cancer. As such, she is recommending that I begin chemotherapy as soon as possible to slow the growth of the cancer. She did note that for Stage 4 gastric cancer (which is what I have), there is no cure. Most patients live around 1 year, with smaller numbers living longer (2, 3, 4, 5, or more than 5 years). Some patients have gone into remission with chemotherapy alone, but that number can be counted on one hand.
Obviously, this was difficult news to hear.
When you get news from a physician that you may have only a year to live, a lot of thoughts go through your mind. After that flurry of mental activity slowed down, I was left with this: God loves me. God knows how my story ends. God knows when my story ends. I must trust Him through this journey, recognizing that He has all things in His control.
I am waiting to hear from MD Anderson about a second tumor biopsy so they can do some testing to determine the best options for chemotherapy. They will also be doing a biopsy of the possible tumor in my nasal cavity to see if it is malignant, and if it is related to the primary stomach cancer.
Here is how you can pray for me and my family at this time:
- That the appointments for the follow-up testing would be scheduled quickly. I plan to be here in Houston until Friday, and would really like to avoid having to make another trip down here if at all possible.
- That my particular cancer would have a profile that will allow the doctors to use targeted chemotherapy regimens that are more likely to devastate the cancer rather than just slowing it down.
- For peace and comfort for my wife and my family as we process this news.
- That I might be one of the exceptional 3% who lives 5 years or more after a Stage 4 gastric cancer diagnosis.
Thank you to the many of you who have reached out and offered your support and love at this time. We are so grateful for all of you.
To God be the glory.
Reader Comments (23)
Rob- I admire your strength and ability to share what must be the most devastating news one can receive. I hope and pray for the peace and comfort you and your family deserve.
Prayers are flowing from our home and hearts for you and your family and physicians.
We have never met. I am a friend of the Button family. I could see their comments on your Facebook page and clicked onto your blog. I wanted to share with you that in the fall of 2011 my mom (age 54) was diagnosised with stage 4 breast cancer that was throughout her body. The news was devastating. I want you to know that after chemo the cancer began to shut down. She still receives treatment injections every few weeks and is on medication. They will never say her cancer is gone, but it is not growing! Her quality of life is normal and she continues to work. I know it's not the same kind of cancer, but I want you to know their is hope and there are people who "beat the odds" as they say. The doctors are impressed with her case and when they ask her she simple says she prays a lot. We all pray a lot. Cancer stinks, but our God is bigger.
Rob I am moved by your declarations of trust and faith in God at a time when those probably do not come easily. Praying as you have requested and keeping you and your family in my thoughts.
Miracles happen . Focus only in God.
Not in statistics !!!
Jesus is the answer.
I do not know you, but I i have heard your story through a friend. As I am sure you ahem heard before, God has a perfect plan for every single one of us. Even in the hardest times it is important we trust in Him, though we may not understand the cards we have been dealt.
"You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live.”
Praying for you and your family
Praying for you and your family Rob. For peace, strength, and grace in this time.
Rob and Melissa. I know this was not the answers we all hoped to hear. We are now trust g in God to working his mircles. We know that he is in control. We will continue to pray for a miracle and for strength for all of you. Love you all.
Rob and Melissa, I will continue to pray for you and your families, for comfort and peace. Miracles do happen.
Rob - I am so sorry to hear of this prognosis! We are praying here for your health and your family and your ability to get through this time with strength and faith and the support of others.
Dear Rob and family,
Very sad news, my heart aches for you and your family. I am glad you have your faith in God. Ultimately that is the main thing.
I will continue to pray for you, as well as my church and my sisters church in Britain. We serve a mighty God, cling to Him because He loves you and prayer helps. Psalm 46 verse 1 says God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Cling to that refuge Rob. There is a song by Casting Crowns called Just be held. It is a beautiful song if you don't already know it you could pull up the lyrics and listen to the words, they are a great comfort. Take care,
Angie Patterson
Praying for you and your family.
Our family will be praying for you, your family & the Dr's that treat you. I feel words would not be enough so we want you, Melissa, your kids & your family to know how much you are loved & prayed for. May the Peace that passes all understanding, that God Himself promises, be with you all through this time. Thank you for sharing from your heart.
Rob, Dan Luby here from the School of Ministry. I'm the guy who regularly let my class out late in CAT 18 while you were setting up for your class in CAT 11 (sorry).
I just heard about your illness from Brett Landry and wanted to assure you of my wife's and my prayers for you and Melissa and all your family and fiends. We will be praying for healing and peace with confidence and gratitude. I will ask all my students to keep you in prayer too.
Peace and good,
I am so sorry to hear about your illness. Our family will certainly keep you and your family in our prayers.
God bless.
Hi Rob,
I am Cindy Moore's mother and I want you to know that my husband and I will be praying for you and your family, as well as my Sunday school class. I know you are in God's hands and he still has a plan for you and your family.
Love in Christ,
Elain Stamper
My wife and I will certainly be keeping you and Melissa in our prayers this Easter season, Rob.
Rob, I am Tillman Russell's MIL and I want you to know that you and your family are in my prayers. Since faith and belief can move mountains, we can ask and believe that this cancer will be annihilated by the targeted chemo. May God bless you and keep you and your family in His loving arms during this journey. All of the glory and honor be His!
I just read this and thought of you. I don't believe in coincidences, so I am passing this on.
"I Myself go before you—opening up the way. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Therefore, you need not be afraid or discouraged. I realize, though, that feelings often fail to submit to logic. So don’t be surprised when your emotions rebel against your will. David—who was both a mighty warrior and a gifted poet—expressed fearfulness, trembling, and even overwhelming horror in one of his psalms. Yet his trust in Me was genuine and deep. His life and his writing demonstrate that fear does not 'trump' trust: They can coexist. This is why David could proclaim, 'When I am afraid, I will trust in You.'" -Jesus Lives by Sarah Young, p. 164
"When I am afraid, I will trust in you." -Psalm 56:3
Dear Rob,
I keep thinking back to the January interdisciplinary faculty colloquium on stories, your dynamic presentation and wonderful conversation afterwards: in sickness and in health, you are at the heart of our community.
Please know that I and my family join in the support and prayers voiced already by so many others for you and your family . Thank you for continuing to inspire us with your courage and life.
Debra Romanick Baldwin
Be assured of our family prayers for you and your family. Your intentions are lifted up to our Lord of all knowing.
Wanted to share this prayer of a special Saint of cancer that will be prayed for you
Prayer to Saint Peregrine
O great St. Peregrine, you have been called "The Mighty," "The Wonder-Worker," because of the numerous miracles which you have obtained from God for those who have had recourse to you.
For so many years you bore in your own flesh this cancerous disease that destroys the very fibre of our being, and who had recourse to the source of all grace when the power of man could do no more. You were favoured with the vision of Jesus coming down from His Cross to heal your affliction. Ask of God and Our Lady, the cure of the sick whom we entrust to you.
(Pause here and silently recall the names of the sick for whom you are praying) Rob Yale.
Aided in this way by your powerful intercession, we shall sing to God, now and for all eternity, a song of gratitude for His great goodness and mercy.
Dear Rob,
My prayers are diligently with you. I admire your faith and strength in the face of such tragedy. I will, of course, pray that the path to whatever may lie ahead for you and your family will be as easy on you all as possible and that the hope of life remains ever in your sight. May God's grace and peace be with you, and may you be led to fullness of life in whatever way that God opens to you.
Robert Wetherington+
Dear Rob,
We do not know each other but I am inspired by you and your faith. I believe that God has a plan for all of us. I will pray for you and your family!
Shari Kowalyk