Round One - Chemo: 1, Rob: 0

Thank you all for your continuing encouragement and prayer on behalf of my family and me. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family in our lives.
Monday was my first chemotherapy infusion. I spent about 4 hours in the clinic receiving the first drug, and then was connected to a 48-hour infusion pump for the second drug. Tuesday morning, I was not experiencing any negative side effects, and I was able to teach my classes and get some work done in the office. Around 2pm on Tuesday, things started to go downhill. I experienced pretty extreme fatigue and started experiencing nausea around 6pm that evening.
On Wednesday, I returned to the clinic to have my 48-hour pump disconnected. At that time, I was given IV fluids and some additional anti-nausea medication. I have been taking additional anti-nausea meds orally since that time, and for the most part they are working. However, the fatigue is unbelievably taxing. I have spent the last two days mostly in bed, sleeping, and yet even when I wake up from a long nap, I'm still exhausted. I am hopeful that these symptoms will go away over the next few days, and that future infusions will be given with a new cocktail of anti-nausea meds to counteract those symptoms.
Here are the things you can continue to pray for:
- That the nausea and fatigue can be controlled or lessened with future infusions.
- That these symptoms will be short-lived so I can get back to work and provide for my family.
- For Melissa, as she bears nearly all the weight of the childcare and household duties due to my incapacitation.
Thank you all.
Reader Comments (6)
Rob, I can only imagine how hard it is for you to postvto b your blog when you are feeling like crap. Just know that we all appreciate hearing from you how things are going. I also appreciate your request for how we pray for you. I pass this on to our prayer chain at church so that we can keep the prayers concentrated on the way you want us to pray. Love to you all.
You can do it Dr. Yale! You have a whole crew praying for you in Houston and strengthened everyday by your witness.
Thank you for sharing your journey.
Rob, my husband and I are from your dad's hometown of Waynesfield OH. We are praying for you and your family as you go thru this difficult time in your life. We had a terrible tragedy in our lives just 3 wks ago. Our granddaughters, Trinity 10 and Keelin 7 were lost in their family home fire. I know they both are with the Lord and that is what keeps us going. The day after the song "Because He Lives" keeps popping into my mind almost every minute of the day. Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know who holds the future that life is worth the living just because He lives. This Sunday the choir and I are singing this in church dedicated to my girls. I hope there is some positive meaning in this song for you. Praying for your requests and thanking God for all answers. In Christ's s love. Shelva Gilroy
Rob and Melissa, just wanted to let you know that we are all praying for a miracle for you and to help your family get thru this. I hve been reading about a new procedure they are doing at the Parker assoc. Lets hope it will do what it says it will do. Love you all Prayers are answered.
Good Morning Rob, .
I want you to know, you are the first one I pray for in the morning, you and Melissa are in my thoughts all day long, and you are the last one I pray for at night. Since I found out you have cancer I have been reading Psalm 139. Verse 13
"You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made"
I am trusting God for a miracle!
Thank you for the specific requests. I pray for Melissa for strength and endurance and for Matthew and Reagann.
Allen and I love you very much.
My family and I are continuing to pray for you and your family, Dr. Yale! To all of your students, you are truly an example of strength and trusting in God.