Treasuring the good days

Today was a good day. After the hellish week that the first round of chemo put my body through, it was such sweet relief to have a brief respite. I had my best night of sleep in probably two months on Friday night. For breakfast on Saturday, we went with my mother- and father-in-law to one of our favorite local places, Mama's Daughters' Diner. Although I haven't been able to eat nearly the portions I am accustomed to, I still managed to down two eggs with cheese, two sausage patties, two cups of tea, and half an order of hashbrowns.
Matthew, Rob, & Melissa at Mama's Daughters' DinerI'm trying to take joy in these times that I have with my family when life seems normal again, without letting my mind wander to the dark thoughts that these moments are only temporary, and may end sooner than any of us hope.
In truth, this impermanence of life is true for all of us, but when you get a provisional expiration date from your doctor, it becomes more salient. In that moment, your priorities shift pretty radically, very quickly. Long-term dreams of seeing your young children grow up, of cherishing your beautiful wife into old age, of nurturing decades-old friendships, of achieving professional success and advancement, all of those evaporate. Instead, your priorities and dreams and goals become very near-term: what can I do today to show my children how much I love them? What can I do today to love my wife well? How can I reach out to a friend and encourage them today? What can I teach my students about life through this experience?
I wish one thing for all of you who are following my treatment and this blog: don't waste your time. Build deep, strong, meaningful relationships with others. Love God. Learn as much as you can. Share the gift of your attention and of a listening ear. And make the most of every good day.
Thankfully, the nausea has passed for this round, although the fatigue is still oppressive. I am hopeful that a planned iron infusion early next week will help reduce some of the fatigue that has kept me down for many of the last few days. For those of you who continue to pray for us, thank you; we are so grateful for each of you. Please continue to remember these requests:
- That the chemo drugs would be unusually effective against my cancer.
- For Melissa's energy and patience as she bears the majority of the household and childcare duties.
- That each of us would make the most of every moment we have together.
Reader Comments (10)
Beautiful. Thank you!
Rob. Thank you for showing us that we need to be thankful for the moment and to not waste a minute. We will continue to pray as you have requested and for God's guidance for you through this struggle. LI've tO you all..
so glad to hear of a better Dadand to read your wise thoughts on your situation. be assured that my prayers continue for you eac and every day. -glenn
With you Rob! Prayers for you all the way. love, lala
You are truly an inspiration to all of us. Through your pain and sadness you remind us that ever day is a gift that should not be taken for granted. Praying for you and your family.
I always include you in my prayers and meditation and constantly send you thoughts of love and support through the day. Feel better every day, my friend.
My prayers are with you and your wife and beautiful children, it is very true that we need to cherish each moment for none of us can "boast of tomorrow" Proverbs 27 vs 1. I am glad you have had good times through the sickness of the chemo and will pray for more days like that.
Continuing prayers. Sharing your blog has been meaningful especially since I have shared or am sharing many of your experiences. You are doing an amazing job. Keep it up warrior.
Our Church family is praying for you and your family.
I have your name written down in my closet. When ever I see your name I talk to The Lord about you.
My family and I are following your posts--I am your colleague at UD. Your bravery is amazing and I am available to help--babysitting, cooking etc. May God give you strength.