Second MD Anderson follow-up, Chemo Round 9 review

Chemo Round 9 was probably the easiest round I've had yet. All of the typical symptoms were there, but in greatly reduced intensity and duration. It was a nice ending to this chemo regimen to have it go out with a whimper rather than a bang.
Melissa is still experiencing some lingering soreness and pain from her surgery two weeks ago, but feels better and more like herself every day.
Tomorrow, I will make the trek to MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston for my second follow-up appointment. On Thursday, I will undergo CT scans to check the progression of the cancer, and on Friday I will meet with my oncologist to discuss my options for second-line treatment.
Overall, during my off-weeks from chemo, I have felt nearly normal, which has been a blessing. I know others in a similar situation who are completely debilitated by this disease, and aren't able to even come close to living a normal life during treatment.
In two weeks, classes start up again at University of Dallas, and I'm scheduled to teach a full load of classes. I'm so looking forward to begin back in the classroom and seeing my students again. This summer has been a wonderful opportunity to spend lots of quality time with friends and family, but I miss teaching and can't wait to get back to it.
I will post again this weekend and share the results of my discussions with my oncologist and plans for second-line treatment. Thanks again to all of you who support our family in so many ways. We love you all.
If you are praying for us, please remember the following requests:
- For continued recovery for Melissa, and no additional complications from her surgery.
- For good results from the CT scans this week at MD Anderson.
- That the second-line treatment we choose will be uncommonly effective.
Reader Comments (3)
Will be praying for Melissa for complete recovery and for you for positive test results and the perfect nee plan if treatment. Love to you all
Will do! I hope everything goes as well as it possibly can.
I will continue to pray for your healing and wise doctors through your journey. You are such an inspiration for me and so many others. May God richly bless you and your beautiful family!!