Second MD Anderson follow-up results; Plan going forward

Today I met with my oncologist at MD Anderson to find out the results of yesterday's CT scan checking the progress of my cancer.
My exam room at MD Anderson Cancer Center
The results showed that almost all of the lymph nodes involved in my adenocarcinoma have very slightly increased in size. She is calling it "stable" because the minor increases are within the margin of error you might expect when different people read CT scans. There was no evidence of any new cancer sites or of any spread, so while this isn't the great news we were hoping for of continued shrinkage of the cancer in my body, stability is definitely better than growth or spread.
I also learned today that the genetic sequencing of my tumor was unable to be completed because the biopsy tissue did not contain a large enough sample of cancer cells. As a result, I'll need to travel back to Houston sometime in the next few weeks for another endoscopic biopsy of my stomach tumor.
My oncologist is currently working on an immunotherapy cancer trial that I am eligible for. It is currently on hold in the safety evaluation phase, but she believes it will begin enrolling patients sometime in the next two months. In order to preserve my eligibility for this clinical trial, she suggested a further four rounds of chemo with the Oxaliplatin and 5FU regimen rather than switching to a second-line chemotherapy treatment. My blood test results showed that I am tolerating the chemo well, so she believes additional rounds of the existing treatment are the best way to proceed while we wait for her clinical trial to open, or for the genetic sequencing results to come back on my cancer tumor which may reveal additional targeted trials for which I am eligible.
Although this news is not as positive as we had hoped, I am very excited about the possibility of an immunotherapy trial. In my research, immunotherapy is one of the most promising new developments in cancer treatment and has the greatest potential for my longer-term survival.
Ultimately, we know that all things are in God's hands and we trust Him completely, even in uncertain times. I have found great comfort over the past few weeks in the words from Psalm 91:4-6.
He will shelter you with his wings;
you will find safety under his wings.
His faithfulnesss is like a shield or a protective wall.You need not fear the terrors of the night,
the arrow that flies by day,
the plague that comes in the darkness,
or the disease that comes at noon.
We have been so blessed by so many people showering us with love and care in so many ways. For those of you who are praying for us, please remember the following requests:
- For continued effectiveness of the Oxaliplatin and 5FU at keeping my cancer at bay.
- For rapid completion of the safety testing related to the immunotherapy trial.
- For quick scheduling of the new tumor biopsy and no complications related to the procedure.

UPDATE: My biopsy has been scheduled for this Friday (8/19). Melissa and I will travel back to Houston tomorrow for lab work and tests, and the biopsy will be completed on Friday afternoon.
Today, I am receiving chemo Round 9, so please pray that I will be able to tolerate the many hours of travel by car in the next two days.
Reader Comments (10)
Prayers are still continuing and so glad your news was to the positive side. God Bless you and your family.
Jeremiah 29:11.
Hang in there, my good man - even people who haven't seen you in years read your blogs and follow your progress.
We continue to pray. Love Psalm 91- such an anchor for our souls in troubled times. So encouraged by your faith and faithfulness. Doing great, kid!
I am praying for you, Rob...and remembering you fondly. May the Lord answer the items you request powerfully. I'm also praying 2 Cor. 5:16-18 with great thankfulness for your family's eternal perspective and dependence on Christ. He will continue to keep all of you under His wings.
Continued prayers from North Dakota!
Thanks for the update Rob. Praying for your mind, spirit, physical healing and the 3 points you identified.
Sending you strength, my man. I can say I've been inspired by yours.
Although we have never met, your dad and mom were friends while my wife and I were at Tennessee Temple. We are praying and rooting for you.
Jim and Debbie Walterhouse
Every Sunday I pray for y'all. Occasionally I pray a rosary with my grandmother and mom too.