Status update, hospice care starting today

Just a quick update for those who are following our story and praying for us.
The cancer seems to be spreading rapidly, as I am losing control of my limbs and muscles at a fairly rapid pace. The tumors pressing on my spinal cord have completely paralyzed my legs. While I can still feel people touching them, I have to exert a lot of effort to even move my toes.
I can feel a slow loss of control coming to my upper body as well as my fingers and hands are losing dexterity.
Today we will officially begin hospice care, as it has become clear that I will not be physically able to complete any of the palliative radiation therapies or the immunotherapy.
This will provide us with in-home doctors and nurses, as well as medical equipment to provide palliative care for me to make my time with my family most enjoyable.
Daddy and his two precious children
Thank you so much for those of you who have kindly reached out in tangible and intangible ways to support our family. We are so very grateful.
I am most grateful for the coming promise of Easter, and a risen Savior who triumphed over death so that we all may have eternal life.
Many thanks to all of you who have been a part of my wonderful life. I have known more love and happiness in my (shorter) life than many will know in a full one.
Reader Comments (37)
Rob, I only know you thru your amazing journey posted via Facebook by an acquaintance. Your tenacity, stregth and bravery have been an inspiration - you are blessed with a gorgeous family and wonderful friends - you are so loved. I hope you find some peace in knowing how many people you have touched in such a positive way by blogging this rugged path you have traveled. I feel stronger and more courageous for having known you through your writings. I'm sending you all the healthy vibes I possess and wish for you joy with your children over the Easter weekend.
Some people choose sports heros. I choose You. A Husband, a Dad a Brother In Christ, a very courageous one, doing amazing things, fighting a seemingly unwinnable battle, know friend of a friend, You and Your family are in my prayers and I would be honored to wash such a warriors feet should I be so blessed to see you on the other side. God bless You. Tearsineyes Now (Curt)
You and your family are forever in my prayers, Dr. Yale. Thank you for all you are and all you represent to UD and to the greater Catholic community at large. I wish I knew more of what to say.
Although we have never met, I feel like I know you because your parents were dear friends to my wife and I in college. I have watched you fight this battle from afar with faith and courage. Although the story does not have the ending we all want on this side of eternity, we can rejoice that we will meet at Jesus' feet on the other side.
Thank you for sharing your story, for being such an encouragement in spite of the trials that you are facing. Debbie and I are praying for all of you that God's grace, presence and comfort will be sweet and strong.
Christos Anesti!
Jim Walterhouse
We never stayed in touch post Cedarville, but I've seen your Facebook updates from time to time over the years and more recently, been following this blog. You are an amazing testimony of trust and faith, old friend. You and your family are in my prayers.
Jennifer (Grant) Blake
Rob,Melissa,MJ and Raegann.
Words cannot express how we are feeling right now after reading your latest post. Just know that you are like bed very much and that rob you have touch the lives of so many people who you will never meet. Praying for Gods comfort for all of you and know that we will all see each other again in God's wonderful home that he has for each and everyone of us. Aunt kathie and uncle denny
Hi Rob,
You have been on my mind, and on my family's mind as well. The body is such a strange, fragile gift. I have no good words. I am sending love to you and yours.
Many moons ago in a little town called Cedarville, this student I'd just met said, "You're married to Mark Button? You are SO LUCKY!" It's become a running joke in our family, as you might imagine. We are the lucky ones to know you, to have gotten to have that sliver of time at CU and to be following your story now. Your wife is so lucky to be married to you and those children so lucky to have you as their dad. Praying earnestly for peace that passes all understanding for you and for your precious family.
Rob, I'm so sorry to hear that your condition is not improving. The Lord works in mysterious ways, and this is definitely one of those that I, like many, do not understand. You are a stand up human being, who will be looked up to by many for years to come. Your and your family have been in our prayers, and will continue to be. Godspeed my friend.
Abe and I will continue to pray for you...and now tonstill build some more memories with your family. We were privileged to be at your wedding and so blessed especially to know you when you and Mark were traveling the country with all those speeches. You were phenomenal. How we loved to enter the class room and know it was your turn. Much to Mark's dismay I have a few of his recorded, and hopefully you have some of yours recorded too.
Dr. Yale,
I know you only through our mutual affiliation with University of Dallas. There are several things I want to share with you:
• YOU are an inspiration to me!
• Your faith ignites me and humbles me at the same time
• You have insight that is totally amazing
• You have Blessed me
• You have caused me to re-examine my relationship with my wife, children, and grandchildren and insure that that relationship is as it should be and on a positive track
• You have reminded me to focus on those things that really matter and be aware of those that I can do nothing about, yet not spend priceless energy on them (Stephen Covey’s Circle of Influence and Circle of Concern)
• You humble me
• You make me want to be a better person
• You have encouraged me to step back and take a good look at my life and those I have touched
• You have reminded me to love and make sure others know I love them
• You make me want to do things to make this world a better place
• You encourage me
• You have helped me to re-affirm my faith
Thank you! God Bless You! My prayers are with you and your family!
Rob, I am praying for you and your family. I pray for comfort for you that you may rest and enjoy your family! I am happy to have met you and known you through Cedarville! Go Jackets! Class of 2003.
Rob, I've only been following your journey for the last couple of months, but I am so inspired by your graciousness, your courage and your continued faithfulness. And your smile through it all. Thank you for sharing. I will be praying for you and your precious family.
I was reading over some of the titles of your published articles earlier this week. I was struck by the wide range of interests that you have, and all the teaching awards included on your cv. Wow. You have impacted so many people, both directly and indirectly.
I intend on tracking down some of your articles. I trust that some of your former students are continuing to study your research interests, especially the studies that are cancer related.
Even though it is getting more difficult for you to keep up with the blog, I hope that you are able to enjoy reading the responses here from friends, family, and strangers. You have a very large following, all praying for you, all wishing you peace. I'm one of them, and I have a circle of childhood friends in New England praying for you as well.
Thank you for allowing us to share this journey with you.
Rob, your life and your story have touched so many, and will not soon be forgotten. I am sharing in your gratitude, joy, and celebration as you look back over your rich and particular journey. Thank you for the role you have played in mine.
I will continue to pray, with you, for a miracle. But if that miracle is not part of your story, I pray that you will be untethered from this world gently and meaningfully, and will be carried by immeasurable love into the next. The prayers of the saints go with you into hospice, and will attend you every step of the way.
Rejoicing, with you, in the promise of Easter and the hope of the resurrection. This is not the end. You are just getting started, my friend. Excited to share in that next chapter with you someday.
May the peace that passes all understanding guard your heart and mind.
Rob (and Melissa) ~ Our paths crossed for only a few short hours over a delicious Thanksgiving dinner in your home when I was visiting my niece Jillian at the University of Miami. Your kindness to a total stranger that day has come to mind often through the years, and I can sincerely tell you that I have prayed for you more than once when God brought that day to mind. When Jillian recently shared your story, my husband and I began to pray for you that God would grant you healing, either here on earth or through complete healing in your eternal home with Him. One of our favorite verses is Isaiah 41:13: "For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 'Do not fear; I will help you.'" Thank you for your generosity of spirit that touched my life those many years ago around a packed little kitchen table.
Love you. Always. I will see you again. In this life or next does not matter.
Rob, My family and I continue to pray for you, Melissa and the little ones. Sending you lots of love Rob.
Dr. Yale, I know you inspired so many students at UD. You even reached out to me to adjust my LinkedIn profile. It is unbelievable how many people you have mentored and helped in many ways. You and your adorable family are in my prayers during this Easter season.
Rob, I don't know you, but my wife Becky Mertzig and friend Kevin Lynch know you very well. I just want to say I envy your strength. Hearing stories about you make me feel like I know you. I'm sorry you and your family have to endure this hardship. May God bless you and your family. We love you and are praying for you.
Sweet Rob, It is with tears in my eyes that I write this. You, dear friend, have changed not only my life, but my entire family's, in a way far greater than you may ever realize. Your fierce faith, awesomely positive attitude and uncanny ability to exude God's love through this entire journey has been the greatest act of faith that we have ever witnessed. Three years ago God put us in your path via our Small Group in that old tattered two story house at Northwest and our lives have never been the same. Your journey has strengthened our faith, strengthened our marriage and made us try harder each every day to be better parents. You have taught us that our time here is limited, but that what we do with that time is of utmost importance. Your presence in our lives has been nothing short of a gift. So tonight, as we do every night, we lift you, Melissa, Matthew and Raegann up in prayer, asking God to wrap his arms around each of you, so that might feel his presence. Thankful for the man that you are, and sending all my love and prayers for what lies ahead.
Steph BW
You and your beautiful family have been in my thoughts and prayers. I have followed your journey with every post to this blog. I have been inspired by your courage and your unwavering faith through this most difficult and seemingly unfair time. I will continue to pray for you and your family and send you love from Ohio.
Melissa (Gerber) Ebel
Becky and I continue to pray for you and your family. We were there the day you were born, and have been honored to know you and your parents all these years. As you know, it is difficult to know what to write - because everything one thinks to say seems somehow inappropriate. I guess the best thing to say is the truth. In Christ, we transfer from the land of the dying to the land of the living, from the land of weakness and pain to the land of rest. It is all true, and we know it in our hearts and our heads, but for a million reasons, how we wish we could give you more time here! Grieving and rejoicing with you in that bittersweet way that only one in Christ can understand, Bill and Becky Petite - Japan
As always you are an inspiration!! God bless you and your beautiful family and give you many wonderful memories!! Love in Christ!! Karen
We continue to pray for you. We pray for a miracle. We pray God comforts you and your beautiful family. May you have faith in the knowledge that Christ the Lord and Savior will be with you and give you strength in your times of struggle. May the Holy Spirit blanket you with peace. You are loved and admired by many and we are all praying for you.