Cancer. Breast Cancer.

Rob was always the one with the ability to express himself in written communication. So I went back and found his post on Facebook when he was first diagnosed. His first sentence was “Cancer.”. Well, here we are again.
Cancer. Earlier this week, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.
I found an enlarged lymph node in my left armpit on October 8th and noticed some changes in my left breast tissue also. Three days later, I saw my regular doctor who quickly scheduled me for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. The results of the mammogram were “highly suspicious” and three biopsies were completed even before leaving the imaging center. The next day, the results came back that cancer was present in all three locations. Since then, I have met with a surgeon and a medical oncologist to discuss the specifics of the cancer and a treatment plan. As best as they can determine from the biopsy samples, there is a mix of both invasive pleomorphic lobular carcinoma and invasive ductal carcinoma. The good news is that my type of cancer is not as important as the biomarkers of my cancer. All three biopsies came back as HER2 positive, which mean I am a candidate for targeted therapy, in addition to chemotherapy. This particular treatment is known to be highly effective. The doctors also continue to reiterate that this cancer is "treatable".
As of Friday, I am awaiting the approval and scheduling of a PET scan to evaluate the spread of the cancer, the scheduling of a port placement procedure, and approval of the planned course of chemotherapy treatment by my health care coverage.
Today, we enjoyed the festivities of the season.
Unicorn and jaguar face paint at St. Francis Oktoberfest
We were always so thankful for the love and support given to Rob. Once again, I ask for your thoughts and prayers in this new fight against cancer.
Reader Comments (31)
Wow... Melissa, I haven't gotten a chance to know you, but I know how strong you are through Rob's writing. I can't believe how unfair this is, and my family will have you and yours in our prayers. <3
My family and I are praying for you and the kids. I hope that the love so many people have for you and Rob may lend you some strength.
Melissa I served with Rob in student council when he was the student body president. You will be in my prayers.
I've cried every day this week. I know we don't know each other that well, but I want you to know that I'm here for you....whatever that may be....if you need your brother there, here's there....if you need another female by your side, I'm there. You are by far one of THE strongest women I know. I admire you on so many levels. I'm praying HARD for you. Xoxo
Dear Melissa, I am praying for you. What can I say? I don't understand why, but I choose to trust God. May you know and feel His love and presence through this time. Please keep posting to keep your many friends and family updated. Much love to you!
Melissa, I was just thinking of you yesterday and was going to ask how you all were doing. I hope you know you have so many people supporting and praying for you! May God lift you and your sweet kiddos up & provide what you need during this time.
My prayers and thoughts have continued for you and your family! You are amazing and I know that you will beat this cancer!
Melissa, Our family will be praying for you and your kiddos and your doctors too. --Mark Daniel Ward
Melissa, as we prayed for Rob throughout his courageous and faith-filled battle, we will also pray for you. May God give you the strength and encouragement to face this. We pray that your family and friends can support you and lighten your load. We pray for generous hearts to support your family financially. We pray for effective cancer treatments and wisdom for your doctors. We pray most of all that you will not lose heart and that the God of all comfort will comfort you.
Love, The Fehl Family
Our family will be praying for yours.
thank you Melissa for going to the blog; I was thinking, wondering, hoping and praying that you would go to it and keep us informed... I am confident that the Lord has this in His hands and will carry you through and will be praying for. I love the pictures of the kids too!!
Oh Melissa! Too much for one family. I pray these highly treatable ( per my mom the nurse) cancers will be quickly killed with the targeted treatments. And that you will experience few to no side effects. Our prayers are already sent up and we will surround you with them.manyhugsa d much strength!
-Pamela and Mine
I will lift you up in prayer and your whole family. Blessings to you all and God is never far away!
Melissa, we love you & are praying for you! I think of you often & our times we shared around the piano. I can't even imagine all you've been through & now will go through, but I know you can lean on our Saviour!
I don’t know you either but I have read Rob’s blog. God bless you in yet another battle with cancer. I’m so so sorry. Be strong. I’m sending prayers.
Melissa, I was so sorry to hear from Clint about your cancer, you and the kids have been in my prayers for ever and now they are just as when Rob was with us. If i was able I would come down and help you, But I will pray and pray hard that God will heal and take care of you and the kids. Love you all.
Melissa, I am so sorry to hear you have this fight ahead of you. My thoughts and prayers have been with you and your children since Jan first shared this news with me. I will be continuing to pray you through this. God knows and He will keep you strong as well as the kids. Please know so many people love you and are praying.
Love, Jaemi Jose
Melissa this is too much. I can't even. I am choosing to trust God and his promises hearing this news.
We don't know one another...only thru this blog did I know your husband - through a friend. You are in my thoughts. You are very loved.
Dear sweet Melissa. Our hearts & prayers are with you & your family. I want to ask God "Why?" but I know he has the big picture & only has His good for you & your kids. I wish we could be there to help & love on you but please know we do it from here. We have to trust you have a good support system in your church famiiy. My phone is on 7 days 24 hrs a day. Call if you need anything even just to talk. (541-761-1552). I know you have difficult moments but Christ's love shines through your smile. Your kids are blessed to have such loving Godly parents. May you feel Jesus so close in the days ahead. We love you LOTS!
Dear sweet Melissa. Our hearts & prayers are with you & your family. I want to ask God "Why?" but I know he has the big picture & only has His good for you & your kids. I wish we could be there to help & love on you but please know we do it from here. We have to trust you have a good support system in your church famiiy. My phone is on 7 days 24 hrs a day. Call if you need anything even just to talk. (541-761-1552). I know you have difficult moments but Christ's love shines through your smile. Your kids are blessed to have such loving Godly parents. May you feel Jesus so close in the days ahead. We love you LOTS!
Prayers coming from Jersey. {hugs}
Dear Melissa, Our hearts and prayers are going out to you! Just know we are thinking of you and what you are facing, I can't imagine. We pray for you to feel and know God's love and care for you and your children. We will also pray for wisdom for doctor's and for you to know the best treatment. Love you, JoAnn & Arnold.
Dear Melissa,
I am so sorry that you have this burden to bear now. I have prayed for you and the kids often, and I will continue to pray for your healing now.
God Bless,
Dear Melissa,
My best advice to you is one day at a time, one procedure at a time and of course GOD. I am going thru bone marrow transplant this month and it is the CURE just as yours is TREATABLE. Hang on to that word. Praying for you and your family, your fellow neighbor, Janet