Chemo round 7 review

Chris, Mandy, Melissa, & Rob at Sundance Square in Fort Worth
Last week, our best friends from Ohio came to visit us for several days. It was such an encouragement to both Melissa and me to get to spend some quality time with old friends, to be "normal" for a few days, and to have some fun together in the DFW metroplex. Never underestimate the restorative powers of time with good friends.
Because of the Independence Day holiday, my regular Monday chemo appointment was delayed until Tuesday. Round 7 proved to be more difficult than the last few rounds. Once again I experienced the awful nausea and fatigue that weakens the body and saps the psyche.
Over the last few rounds, I've learned to expect an emotional breakdown that directly coincides with the worst day of chemo symptoms. When your body is so physically weakened, it's easy for your spirit to be weakened as well. It is in those moments when hope is hard to find.
I am fortunate to have a wonderful partner who understands this, and who holds me in the most difficult moments, reminding me of the Ultimate Hope that we have outside of ourselves and the messy world we inhabit.
I have only two more rounds of this chemotherapy regimen. August 11 I will return to MD Anderson for new scans and discuss my second-line treatment options with my oncologist. I remain hopeful that the genetic testing of my cancer will open up clinical trials or other treatment options that may more directly target the disease in my body.
Thank you again for all of your prayers. Please continue to pray for the following:
- That my remaining chemo treatments with Oxaliplatin and 5FU will continue to be effective.
- That the genetic testing of my cancer will reveal promising options for targeting the cancer more directly.
- That the second-line treatment will be effective at slowing the cancer and extending my life.
Reader Comments (5)
We are continuing to pray for specific results of your chemo treatments and that the new treatments will be even more effective. During my prayers this morning this verse was one for today -isaiah 41:10 "fear not. For I am with you;be not disated for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will up-hold you with my righteous right hand". Sending love to all of you.
I 'm continuing prayers for all of those things. In the meantime, I hope this song can minister to your spirit. It has ministered to mine many times. Thank the Lord for great music.
Dr. Yale,
You (and your family) continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. May God continue to watch over you and guide you through this difficult journey toward a success and peace. Call on me if I can help you or your family in any way.
Dear Dr. Yale,
It hurts to learn this given that you have taught me so much in the little time I spent at UD. You are now in my prayers and I will use what you taught me in my future. Recently I started a new journey as an entrepreneur with the likes of helping people while making money. God bless you Professor Yale. You are the most memorable teacher from the university only gave me debt and took a year of my life. But meeting you was priceless and I would gladly do it all over again.
I hope you get better and recommend to lower your consumption of Mountain Dew if you haven't. It could be much more difficult than the chemo itself, but I know that if there is anyone who can, that person is you. The most unique professor in UD.
Sincerely yours,
Manuel Mirabal
Dr. Yale,
Our prayers are with you and your family as you continue this journey toward success!