Four days until follow-up; Chemo round 5 review

Over the past two weeks, I've felt better than I have in more than three months. My energy levels have been higher, I've been able to eat more normally, and for the most part, I've been free of any other pain or symptoms.
Chemo round 5 came and went. I experienced the usual fatigue (although not as severe as previous rounds), but only had minimal pain and nausea. One side-effect I've had with every round of chemo is an extreme sensitivity to cold things. Usually, about 30 minutes into my infusion, the sensitivity begins, causing pain when I touch cold things, and making it feel like I'm drinking broken glass if I drink something even slightly cool. For some reason, with chemo round 5, I didn't experience this side-effect, so I've enjoyed drinking cold beverages and eating ice cream again this week!
Since I'm not teaching this summer, I've been using my regained energy to spend more time playing with my kids, who continue to bring me such joy. Both Matthew and Raegann will have birthdays this summer (4th and 2nd, respectively), and Melissa and I are excited for those coming celebrations.
Raegann and Matthew playing on the couch
For Melissa and I, the last few weeks have been somewhat odd. Melissa explained it this way: "In the same day, I'll spend time looking at neighborhoods and houses to move into [with Rob], and I'll also spend time looking for jobs in case I need to be the primary breadwinner for our family." We are hoping for the best, but planning for the worst, which makes every plan more tentative than it otherwise might be.
On Wednesday, we will travel to Houston for my end-of-week appointments at MD Anderson. On Thursday, I will have blood work and CT scans, and on Friday I will meet with my gastrointestinal oncologist for a follow-up. In this appointment, we will find out whether the chemotherapy is working. Here, there are three possible outcomes: 1) The cancer has continued to spread; 2) The cancer has stayed the same; 3) The cancer is shrinking. Of course, we are hoping and praying for option 3!
We are so thankful for all of the friends, family, acquaintances, and strangers who are praying for us. This week, please remember the following requests:
- For unusual efficacy of this chemotherapy against my specific cancer.
- For good news from the CT scans on Thursday.
- That we will have peace with whatever the report is from MD Anderson.
Reader Comments (3)
So glad to hear that you are able to enjoy some of your favorite foods. Prayers continuing for concentrated effects of the chemo and shrinkage of the cancer.
Praying and loving always.
the Lord has been bringing you to mind as you traveled yesterday for today's tests and waiting for results tomorrow...Praise the Lord HE is in control...