Finally, some good news; Chemo round 2 review

Last Friday, I spent the day in a surgical center to finally complete a biopsy of my sinus cavity tumor. Today, I met with the ENT specialist who did the biopsy to find out the results. Thankfully, the initial impressions of the doctors at MD Anderson were confirmed. My sinus cavity tumor is a benign neurofibroma, and not a metastasis from my stomach or a second primary cancer.
See that giant tumor? It is NOT cancer!
I told my ENT that he was the first doctor in three months that had delivered good news to Melissa and me, and he was, of course, happy to be bearing good news. Because of the size and location of the tumor, he recommended following up with the head and neck specialists at MD Anderson for treatment options. Given that it is a slow-growing, non-malignant tumor, he advised that the likely course of action will be to wait for a year and see how much growth has occurred. Eventually, the tumor will begin to cause problems as it is very close to the brain and optic nerve, but it may remain asymptomatic for quite some time.
Melissa and I were so glad to finally receive some good news... Thank you to all of you who have been praying with us that this would not be a second primary cancer!
Last Monday, I spent the day receiving my third round of chemotherapy. My tests for enzyme levels and chemo toxicity did not provide any clinical rationale for the significant side-effects that I experienced during Rounds 1 and 2. However, my oncologist did reduce my dosage for both the Oxaliplatin and 5FU by about 5%. He also prescribed a morphine-derived painkiller for use as-needed in the days following the infusion. Although I experienced the same levels of fatigue and more significant nausea in Round 3 compared to Round 2, the pain was more well-controlled, which made the overall experience of Round 3 more bearable. With three rounds of chemo finished, we all know a little bit more about what to expect, and have somewhat settled in to a predictable rhythm of good days and bad days. By this morning, I was feeling much better, and was able to spend almost a full day at work completing end-of-semester tasks.
When our son Matthew was born, Melissa made the choice to teach part-time, and stay home with him most of the time. She continued in that arrangement after the arrival of Raegann, teaching statistics and research methods classes in the Ph.D. Psychology program at UT Southwestern Medical School.
We have recently begun having the difficult discussions about preparing for her to return to full-time work, and the types of full-time jobs she might enjoy in the eventuality that she needs to be the breadwinner for our children. As a husband and a father, it is difficult to think about your family going on without you. Certainly, we hope and pray for the best possible outcome, but recognize that we must plan for every eventuality. I know that whatever happens, my children will be so very well-loved and cared for by their mother, and I am grateful to have a partner in life who leaves me in no doubt about the wellbeing of my beautiful son and daughter.
I continue to be surprised, almost daily, with notes of encouragement, Facebook messages, care packages, text messages, and phone calls from those of you who love our family and want us to know that you care. It is so much better to walk through this knowing there is an army of support behind us, and that we are not walking this journey alone.
We covet your prayers on our behalf. Please continue to pray for strength and endurance for Melissa, for the efficacy of this chemo regimen against my cancer, and for celebration on the good days that we enjoy together.
Reader Comments (12)
Thanks be to God for some much needed good news! Y'all will forever be in my family's prayers.
Tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat for your beautiful family. God bless you guys as you walk this journey so lovingly and thoughtfully and prayerfully. I appreciate your openness so very much. Keep that up. Daily prayers for you all..
So happy to hear about your ENT appt & results. We pray every day for the decisions you have to make, for your children to see Jesus through this, for strength for you & Melissa & for the treatment to put you in remission. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. It is our privilege to pray for you & your family. We love you all.
So thankful for this news. Love and continuing to pray.
I am so glad to here the good news, I know God is watching over you and your family, now we just keep praying for God to bless us and lay his healing hand on you. You all are in my prayers everynite and I know God hears what we ask him for. I do believe that he has more in store for you and your family, So he is watching over you and your Doctors. Love you all.
You and your family our on our prayer list. I cannot comprehend what you are going through but even through FF I feel you are encouraging me, I feel God and faith and strength. You may not feel it but it is coming through. God is with you.
Hi, Not sure you remember me, but I,ve known your family for a long time, t hru Grace Baptist & mission. I've been praying for you, Rob & your family since I heard about your cancer. I know God is with you.Daily prayers. Marlys
I was so pleased to hear you received good news about the sinus tumor. One down-one to go. I thought about you and your family often this week as I know your chemo sessions have been rough. Hope you enjoy a good week!
What a great piece of news on Pentacost Sunday! The Holy Spirit is with you, Rob! Amen!
Sending you love and prayers and healing thoughts. So happy to hear the good news. I'll stay focused on that and continue to smile because of it. Lots of love - Gail
So happy for this wonderful news. God is good. For some reason, your story about being the best at head stands has been coming to mind recently - it is inspiring to see that same tenacity come through in these challenging times which is no doubt a great source of strength for the family and all those praying with you. God bless!
Great news Rob. The war is won through the little battles. You and your lovely family are in our prayers.
The Oliveti's