Latest CT scan results; New chemo regimen

Sitting in the chemo chair for round 14As I write this, I'm sitting in the chemo chair, waiting for the pharmacy to mix my chemotherapy for Round 14 of treatment.
During Round 13 of my chemotherapy treatment with Oxaliplatin and 5-FU, I had an allergic reaction to the Oxaliplatin which resulted in immediate discontinuation of the drug and administration of steroids and Benadryl to halt the reaction.
Last week, I returned to MD Anderson for blood work and CT scans, which confirmed that my cancer has continued to spread. The existing cancer sites in the lymph nodes have grown, and new potential sites of metastasis are appearing. Based on the progression of the disease, my oncologist at MD Anderson offered me the option of entering a clinical trial or trying a second-line conventional chemotherapy regimen. I spent some time doing research on the drugs being used in the clinical trial, and came to the conclusion that they were unlikely to be effective against my cancer, given the results of published research where the drugs were found to be of no benefit in treating cancers similar to my gastric adenocarcinoma.
As such, I elected to try a second-line traditional chemotherapy regimen with Irinotecan and 5-FU. I will have another CT scan in 4-6 weeks to determine whether it is working, and will switch to a third-line treatment if it is not. In the meantime, I am still hoping to get access to an immunotherapy trial, but must wait for the trial to open again.
Over the past week, I've been in significant pain much of the time, as the growing lymph nodes begin to put pressure on nerves in my back. I've been prescribed new pain medications that work well most of the time, but I've found that if I sleep through a dose, it takes quite a while to control the pain again. This has been a discouraging week, with the ratio of good days to bad days becoming increasingly lopsided in favor of bad days. It is hard not to view this as the beginning of the end, but we are hoping and praying that the second-line treatment will give me a little more time.
Over the past several days, I have had one Bible passage that keeps coming to mind:
Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7
Note that this verse doesn't promise that our requests will be answered exactly the way that we hope they will. It doesn't promise that everything will be fine. It does promise that God hears our requests and promises us "peace... that surpasses all understanding."
I have known that peace during these past few weeks. As my condition worsens and the likelihood of long-term survival shrinks, there is no earthly reason for the peace that I feel. Certainly, we continue to grieve the loss of our future together, but we have faith in our Father who will supply all of our needs.
My wonderful wife, the love of my life, Melissa, has been such a wonderful caretaker over the past months. She is so strong, and patient, and kind, and loving. I can't imagine how hard it has been for her to watch her husband go through this cancer, but she has been my best friend and most trusted ally through it all.
Thank you to all who continue to lift us up in prayer, send meals, write notes of encouragement, and stand by our side through this trial. Please continue to pray for the following:
- For strength and peace for Melissa
- For patience in the waiting
- For uncommon effectiveness of this second-line chemo regimen
- For wisdom with all of the decisions we face in the coming weeks and months.
Reader Comments (12)
Rob, my heart goes out to you and Melissa. This is such an example of beautiful Christian suffering. Prayers for the requests you mentioned.
Lifting you up in prayer right this minute.
Praying for your list of requests. My heart breaks when I see a family with so many hurdles to cross but I also know God never gives us more than we can handle. I am so very glad that you share this with so many and that there are so many prayers going up on you and your family's behalf. God be with you and bless you all.
Dr. Yale,
I continue to pray for you and your family. I pray for the list of things you mentioned and for the things you did not mention, yet are still a need. I know that you trust God's path and know that his plan will result in a tremendous everlasting Blessing for you and all who know you.
Praying for you and your family, Rob. Please keep fighting!
I am praying for you right now with a heavy heart. I read almost everything you write, but do not comment much. I cannot tell you what you mean to me. You are like a brother I never had.
My deepest love for M. She is a God send.
Rob, praying for you and Melissa and your little ones. Continually encouraged by your journey of great faith. God is using you, my friend, He never wastes a thing. <3
We just have to pray harder! You are an inspiration not only to colleagues, but to our student body. I know God's will, will be ultimately but I know that many are made better by you. Prayers to you and your family. More love coming your way. God bless.
If I could take some of that pain from you I would, my friend, I really would. You continue to inspire with your strength.
Enjoyed meeting your wife and children at Trunk or Treat last weekend and seeing them again today. I pray for relief from pain for you and that you may have many, many more wonderful times with your family.
I don't personally know you... I heard you on the radio this morning. However, I've read some of your blog posts and I just wanted to let you know that my family and I will keep you family in prayer. I pray that you feel some relief from your pain, enough to enjoy your family. Lifting you up in prayer. -Yvonne from San Antonio
Dr. Yale,
Words can not explain! May the Lord bless you and your wife with very much needed strength. I pray that you have peace and joy these holidays and most importantly with your family. God bless you and your little one. You have inspired many and for that you are a blessing.
Jazmin from Georgia
Kidd Kraddick morning show listener. :)