As a longtime Seinfeld fan, I was immediately interested when I heard that Jerry Seinfeld was going to be hosting a new show called Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, featuring the man himself, Jerry Seinfeld, driving classic automobiles and having coffee with other famous comedians.
As a marketer with interest in social media marketing, I was doubly intrigued to find that the series is sponsored by Acura as part of their content marketing initiatives. True to the genre, although Seinfeld has yet to drive an Acura in the series, the show frequently features slow camera pans across Acura vehicles as he drives his guests across town to a coffeehouse. Seinfeld is rather open about the Acura sponsorship as well, even joking at points about needing to "wait for the product placement."
The automotive industry has long been one of the major industries driving marketing practices forward, and this foray into long-form content marketing by Acura is no exception. Recognizing that the new generation spends more time with their phones than their cars, Acura is trying to reach them where they are with content that they want to watch.
What kind of long-form content marketing might make sense in your company?